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is a museum, gallery, theater, library and classroom dedicated to both the preservation of the history of stereoscopic imaging, and the advancement of current and future 3-D arts and sciences. 3-D SPACE is a non-profit arts organization located in Los Angeles.


Why A 3-D Museum?

Thanks to recent advances in digital technologies, there has been a renewed enthusiasm for all things 3-D. From record-breaking box office returns of 3-D movies to the recent surge in virtual reality, 3-D seems to be back in the spotlight. 


But most people aren't aware that stereoscopic imaging has a very rich history that dates back to the 19th century. We want to celebrate the work of many talented artists, photographers and filmmakers who have used the medium of 3-D as their creative tool, and to educate the public on the art and science of stereography, from it's analog beginnings in the 1830s to the immersive digital realms of the future. Our current gallery space alternates through use as:


  • A Museum of permanent collections on display to educate about the history of 3-D art and science.

  • A Gallery of curated exhibits by recent and current 3-D content creators.

  • A Theater to screen 3-D films and other related cinematic works, and to host lectures and presentations.

  • A Library of 3-D books, movies, and other media.

  • A Classroom devoted to teaching the techniques and methods of 3-D image creation.


3-D SPACE founder Eric Kurland has over twenty years of experience in connecting the public to the 3-D community. His work as the Director of the Annual LA 3-D Movie Festival and five years as the President of the LA 3-D Club (the most active organization in the country for 3-D enthusiasts), as well as his professional stereoscopic work in the entertainment industry (including 3-D Director for the Grammy nominated OK Go music video ALL IS NOT LOST, Lead Stereographer for the Oscar nominated animated short MAGGIE SIMPSON IN THE LONGEST DAYCARE, and Lead for the Emmy nominated VR show THE SIMPSONS PLANET OF THE COUCHES for Google Spotlight Stories) puts 3-D SPACE in the position to be able to bring all aspects of the 3-D world together, from the fans, to the independent artists, to the professionals working in the entertainment industry.


The 3-D SPACE Board of Directors is comprised of a team with strong backgrounds in the arts, non-profits and museums, and of course 3-D. We have also assembled a fantastic group of advisors to help round out our knowledge, and provide access to resources and information that will help us to become a vital and exciting organization.


A little background - the inspiration for this center began in 2012, when 3-D SPACE founder Eric Kurland and 3-D historian Ray Zone were able to rescue three truckloads of artifacts from the estate of the late 3-D expert and collector Dan Symmes. Ray and Eric discussed the possibility of someday finding a place to display these materials. Sadly, Ray passed away before they were able to move forward with any plans, but the idea continued to grow and in 2013, at the World 3-D Expo III in Hollywood a piece from the collection was put on display - the Natural Vision camera rig used to film HOUSE OF WAX in 1953.


Kurland decided to continue the curating of 3-D content, preservation of 3-D history, and public outreach and education that he had already been doing as President of the LA 3-D Club. So he developed the idea for 3-D SPACE into a plan of action, getting advice from many advisors with expertise in different disciplines - from academia, museums and art galleries, to successful non-profit arts groups, the entertainment industry, and the international 3-D community. And we have been met with great enthusiasm from everyone who has learned about this endeavor. The collection has been growing - the Portland, Oregon based 3-D Center for Art and Photography, which unfortunately had to close its doors several years ago, officially transferred their entire collection to LA, and placed it under the care of 3-D SPACE. 


3-D SPACE was incorporated in the state of California in November, 2014, and has been granted 501(c)3 nonprofit tax-exempt status. Now we just need a permanent home for these collections, a space that can become the hub of the 3-D world past, present, and future.


Statement of Inclusion and Diversity

3-D SPACE is an arts and culture organization serving the general public in California, and primarily in the County and City of Los Angeles. Southern California is a region made up of many communities and many cultures. At 3-D SPACE, we are committed to creating an environment of diversity by providing programs to everyone, including those communities who have been historically underserved in the arts. We strive to be inclusive of all people, communities, and populations, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, neurodiversity, disability status, citizenship, or any other aspect which makes them unique.


We Need Your Help!

Please consider a tax-deductable donation to 3-D SPACE and help us continue operating the Center for Stereoscopic Photography, Art, Cinema, and Education.


Thank you for your interest and support.

3-D SPACE Founder, Eric Kurland

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3-D SPACE is a Nonprofit Corporation with IRS 501(c)3 status. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent provided by law. 3-D SPACE Tax ID #47-2247578

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